The Restorer – പുനസ്ഥാപകൻ


Hello everyone out there, hope you all are doing great in this pandemic situation and the Lord God is keeping you safe wherever you are. It’s been a few days since a thought has been born in my mind from the Scriptures, it is actually a word that amazed me, I was thinking like how did this verse exist and how come I did not know about this till now. This is why God says that you need to keenly open your eyes that you may see wonderful things in his law (Psalms 119:18). I was a bit worried over a few things and when I was praying to God, I came across this verse or let’s say, passage in the Bible. “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honour and comfort me once more” (Psalms 71:20, 21). When I read this, at straight, I understood the Lord was talking to me, and I hope the Lord talks to all of you reading this too. What I understood upon reading this was God allows troubles to enter our lives, many times it will be bitter, hard, painful almost so that you will wish to abandon the race and faith, but tonight, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that when he allows you to go through that tribulation, that hardship, he is so much capable of restoring you, even if it is like the hardest condition (depths of the earth), maybe no man can rescue you, it may seem like the impossible. The good news is it says in Mathew 19:26 That with man some things may seem impossible, but with God all things are possible. He is a God who restores you with more honour than you had before and no one else in this world can comfort you better than he does. Sometimes it might be tiring, sometimes it might be hard and challenging, but God is an all knowing, all wise God who knows what is best for you. At this time, I am reminded of a few incidents from the Bible,
i. The incident when Abraham goes up with his son in order to obey Gods word. I believe that every step that he takes towards the place of sacrifice, he must be wondering and questioning God in his heart or probably doubting him, that why have you put me in such a situation. But little did he know that the answer to his prayer was climbing up the other side of the mountain. (Genesis 22)
ii. The incident when God allows Satan to put Job in a very difficult situation. He had to go through a very hard time were everyone including his loved ones blamed him. But in the end, we can see God honoured him, comforted him and restored all the blessings he had lost and he gave him more than what he had (Job 42). We serve such a faithful and amazing God.
My dear beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ, your trouble and worry is not hidden to the Lord, all that he is asking is to trust in Him with all your heart so that you can open your eyes to witness the beautiful works of your creator which is beyond being comprehended or measured by your knowledge. For the Bible says, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8,9).

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